April 5, 2011
Our Superintendent, Mr. Gilbert, will host an informational meeting for the White Oak community on Sunday, April 10, from 3:00 – 4:00. The purpose of the meeting will be to share current information and issues with regard to the state budget and how it can affect our school system. Please join us! The meeting will be held in the elementary school cafeteria.
November 11, 2010
Just A Few Reminders:
*Veterans Day – Today – Remember to pay tribute to the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces – past and present. Also remember the families of those currently serving and the sacrifices they too are making for our country. Our Madison’s dad is one of those brave servicemen. Thank you to her family from all of us.
*Math Test – Friday 11-12-10
*Spelling Test – Monday 11-15-10
*Picture Retakes – Tuesday 11-16-10
October 29, 2010
Happy Birthday to Emily! And Happy Halloween to ALL! Boy has it been busy the last couple of weeks. It is so hard to believe that the month of October has come to an end and that November is knocking at the door. Our days have been filled with reading, writing, math, and safety. We took advantage of our beautiful Nature Center to talk about safety outdoors. Some of our very observant classmates even spotted a skin that had been shed by a visiting snake.
The class really pulled together to “Say No To Drugs” during this past week. There were lots of red shirts on Monday and school shirts on Tuesday.
We all had fun wearing costumes on Friday – even the Second grade teachers!
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October 12, 2010
What a beautiful day, both inside and out! I was so glad to be back with the kids. I LOVED the letters and pictures they made for me on Friday. It was just another reminder of many as to why I love my job.
The students made the cutest scarecrows with moving arms and legs today. They began writing stories about their scarecrows that they will take to book form. Share time should be lots of fun!
We are continuing to work on place value – tens and ones; comparing numbers using >,<,= to symbols; ordering numerals, and addition/subtraction problems. Don't forget to use the www.tx.gr2math.com site for extra practice.
Look for picture order forms to come home tomorrow (Wed. 10-13). Pictures will be taken this Thurs. the 14th. Everyone will have their picture made. These are for the yearbook so remind your sweetie to wear their prettiest smile.
October 3, 2010
I hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful weekend as much as I have The kids have really enjoyed the cooler temps on the playground this past week. We all enjoyed the special Pep-Rally presented to the Primary and Intermediate campus by our band, cheerleaders, volley-ball team, and football players. The high school students were very impressive when they spoke to the younger students about being leaders and about working hard in school.
We get to write letters to the football team this week. The football moms will deliver them to the players when they decorate the locker room. This is always a fun activity. Be sure and ask your child which player they got to write to.
Mark your calendars for two special days. October 11 is a student holiday and October 14 is school pictures. Everyone gets their picture made as these are the ones used for the yearbook.
September 24, 2010
We have began working on place value – hundreds, tens, and ones. We will continue working on addition and subtraction. Be sure and check out www.tx.gr2math.com – Chapters 1, 4, and 5 to practice the skills we are focusing on.
Our Language Arts skills are all about nouns, capitalization, and punctuation.
Don’t forget two important things about Monday the 27th -Parent Orientation at 5:30 and book club orders are due. 🙂
Sept. 17, 2010
This has been another busy week. We have practiced identifying nouns of all types – abstract, proper, and regular. We are using related addition problems to solve subtraction problems. Even though it was pretty hot outside today, we took advantage of the sunshine to do some observations in the Nature Center. It is amazing how fast a thermometer rises when placed in full sun compared to a fully shaded area. We were glad to spend most of our time in the shade :)! Don’t forget the fun Monster Truck Rally at Lonestar Speedway this Saturday night. I’ll be there helping to earn money for our White Oak Education Foundation. The money earned goes back into the school for our kids. Have a great weekend.
Another great week! We have practiced addition of sums to 20 using different strategies to help solve problems such as; doubles, doubles plus 1, doubles -1, using a number line to count on, and the “make 10” strategy. Have you child show you the strategy that works best for them. Please remember to practice Math Facts every chance you get.
We read some funny books from the Black Lagoon series. The students got to pick their favorite character to illustrate and write about why they chose that character. The class is really showing responsibility in reading and recording on their log every night. Remember, moms and dads, that filling the log out is their job. All you have to do is initial it.
In writing we’re learning how to make a plan before starting a story and elaboration of sentences. We will be adding idea wheels and other writing tools to our Writer’s Notebooks.
Above all, the class is really learning our class moto: “Good choices have good consequences. Bad choices have sad consequences” After a week of hard work and good behavior choices they really enjoyed getting to work in teams to put together some fun (but tough) puzzles. Check out the team that really understood what it means to work together! They were the first to finish their puzzle and even finished a second one. Way to go, girls!
Making New Friends
Our class is off to a great start. The students had a really good time getting to know each the first week of school They met lots of new friends and rediscovered old ones. We even managed to practice what good work habits look and sound like.
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