Another great week! We have practiced addition of sums to 20 using different strategies to help solve problems such as; doubles, doubles plus 1, doubles -1, using a number line to count on, and the “make 10” strategy. Have you child show you the strategy that works best for them. Please remember to practice Math Facts every chance you get.
We read some funny books from the Black Lagoon series. The students got to pick their favorite character to illustrate and write about why they chose that character. The class is really showing responsibility in reading and recording on their log every night. Remember, moms and dads, that filling the log out is their job. All you have to do is initial it.
In writing we’re learning how to make a plan before starting a story and elaboration of sentences. We will be adding idea wheels and other writing tools to our Writer’s Notebooks.
Above all, the class is really learning our class moto: “Good choices have good consequences. Bad choices have sad consequences” After a week of hard work and good behavior choices they really enjoyed getting to work in teams to put together some fun (but tough) puzzles. Check out the team that really understood what it means to work together! They were the first to finish their puzzle and even finished a second one. Way to go, girls!
Look at the awesome blog posts and pages you have going. I am so excited to be able to subscribe to a blog letting us in on the classroom. Thank you Mrs. Belcher!